Our Friendship Holds A Special Place In My Life Greeting Card is the perfect way to let your friend know how much you care.
This beautiful card, with its watercolor florals on a blue background, is sure to make a lasting impression.
The front message reads, "Our Friendship Holds A Special Place In My Life,"
and the inside message says, "And in my heart. I'm glad we're friends."
Make your care package or gift box even more meaningful and memorable by adding a personalized greeting card to your order.
Sending a card is a way to show someone you're thinking about them, wish them well, or you're proud of them. Greeting cards can express all human emotions: joy, thanks, sympathy, humor, love, and admiration.
They add an authentic touch and are far more meaningful than a simple Facebook post or text message.
- MADE IN AMERICA on thick, 14-point premium paper...GORGEOUS FULL-COLOR INTERIORS!
- First-class postage is included in the price and we will even handwrite a personal message inside if you choose.